Rainbow Drift



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1 product

From £60.00 GBP

Rainbow Drift Vinyl Wrap

Gear up to be fascinated with the magical and awe-inspiring look of the amazing Rainbow Drift Vinyl Wrap by Vinyl Frog. A vehicle swathed in this vinyl is nothing more than a majestic sight with an ethereal effect. It has a monotone base color, which under constant light refraction presents a magnificent display of different shades drifting across the vehicle as if a rainbow has descended in all its glory.

Our premium quality Rainbow Drift Wrap is made up of high-grade polymeric vinyl with a pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive. For extra protection and durability, it is composed of four layers: the top protective transparent layer; vinyl film, adhesive and lastly, double-sided, silicone coated release liner. The protective transparent sheet on top ensures the vinyl reaches you without scratches or any other damage. The silicone coated release liner protects the adhesive so that it lasts for a long time.

The vinyl film is highly durable, and will stretch and conform to any shape and curve. Its high quality ensures that there is no discoloration or stretch marks and other visible defects when wrapping. Armed with air-release technology, the film has tiny channels that allow air to flow through eliminating the chances of bubbling. It can be easily repositioned to remove creases hence, the final look is impeccably stunning.

Our Rainbow Drift Vinyl does not only give a superb look to your vehicle but also protects it from the harsh elements that can mar the original paint. It protects the vehicle’s exterior against harsh UV rays of the sun, minor scratches and dings and unwanted stains. It is like a second skin -  a dazzling livery that will surely mesmerize the onlooker.

Defy the norm by adding a bit of glamor to your vehicle, transforming it into a gem with a bedazzling display of vibrant hues. Buy our Rainbow Drift Vinyl now!